According to Jesus in the beatitudes in Matthew 5:9-12, peacemaking is a befitting of the children of God who have become participants in the life of the kingdom of heaven by grace alone through faith alone.  Another distinguishing characteristic of the disciples of Christ living out the kingdom of heavenContinue Reading

The following sermon was preached this past Sunday night, where six individuals made their public profession of faith and were received into membership.  It was an evening to remember!  The Lord continues to grow his church by His Word and Spirit through his ordained means of preaching and sacraments. TheContinue Reading

In his essay entitled “Industrial or pastoral?: The Techniques of Church Growth,” church historian and elder DG Hart begins by asking the probing question: Can measurements of “customer satisfaction,” which have largely been borrowed from the industrial and mechanical world, be helpfully appied to something that is fundamentally organic andContinue Reading