What are we praying in the 6th petition of the Lord’s Prayer when we ask: “And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13)?  To find out, click here and listen. In Belgic Confession Article 29 we confess that it is the duty of every ChristianContinue Reading

Want to learn how to pray in a way that pleases God?  Jesus teaches his disciples in Matthew 6 in the middle of his sermon on the mount.  Listen to the sermons on Christ’s words here. What does it mean to be a part of the one apostolic church ofContinue Reading

Go to the audio sermons and resources page to listen to a sermon from Matthew 6:1-4 entitled “Beware of hypocrisy” and a sermon on Belgic Confession Article 27 entitled “The church militant.” Come and join us this coming Lord’s Day for more manna from heaven delivered through the public ministryContinue Reading

In Belgic Confession Article 27, we confess certain foundational truths about the nature of Christ’s church: things like its universality, its unity and its holiness.  Vital to our understanding of the church and its attributes is that they find their ultimate source in the workings of the Triune God.  ItContinue Reading