The YouTube stream of today’s Good Friday Service can be watched or listened to here:
The liturgy is as follows:
:: Call to worship/ Call on God’s name for help by reading: Psalm 42:1-4
And praying:
Almighty God, who in your great mercy have gathered us into your visible Church: Grant that we may not turn from the purity of your worship, but that we may so honor you, both in spirit and in action, that your name may be glorified in us, and we may be true members of your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
:: Song of Praise: Psalm 5 (p5) (text here and tune here)
:: Reading of the Law: Matthew 22:34-40
:: Prayer of Confession (use Romans 7 as a guide)
::Assurance of Pardon: Romans 5:18-21
:: Song of thanksgiving: Psalm 23 (p23A) (text here and tune here)
:: Prayer of illumination
:: Reading and Sermon: Colossians 3:1-17 – Christ’s death enables you to die to self
If you cannot live-stream video from YouTube:
Consider listening to the service without video using Chrome with extension
Otherwise please listen to a sermon here or read here
:: Congregational prayer (pray for you needs and needs of congregation)
:: Offering (banking details are here)
:: Concluding song: Psalm 46 (p46B) (text here and tune here)