The liturgy Sunday 26 April can be viewed here:   :: Call to worship/ Call on God’s name for help by reading: Psalm 67 And praying: Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we call your name, praying that you would be pleased to turn away from our many terrible sins, by whichContinue Reading

In Matthew 12:1-14 the Pharisees try to trip Jesus up for his so-called Sabbath violations.  In his response, Jesus exposes – yet again – the Pharisees for the professional legalists and hypocrites they are.  Here we have helpful insights into not only the perpetuity of the Sabbath institution, but alsoContinue Reading

Pastor Robert Godfrey writes: The privilege and blessing of meeting with God in public worship is seriously undervalued in our time. Too often it is thought that small prayer meetings or Bible studies, missionary reports or musical presentations can replace public worship as activities that are more spiritually profitable. SuchContinue Reading