As socio-religious phenomena, Theonomy and Christian Reconstruction are closely related. The individuals involved in the one are ordinarily involved in the other. However, theologically and religiously, they can be distinguished. Christian Reconstructionists exist in a variety of forms, and are ordinarily united in their belief that the Western world, andContinue Reading

roman ruins

According to Augustine, the distinction between the two cities — the city of God and the city of man — is grounded in the two loves: love of God and love of self. The former leads to genuine fellowship and a communion of mutual giving and receiving, while the latterContinue Reading

Many biblical passages provoke controversial questions about Christian non-violence and co-operation with the sword-bearing state. Perhaps none presses the issue as sharply as Matt 5:38–42. When Jesus prescribes turning the other cheek, giving up the garment, and going the second mile as an alternative to the lex talionis—the eye-for-eye principleContinue Reading

AM liturgy  :: Call to worship/ Call on God’s name for help by reading: Matthew 11:28-30 :: Song of Praise: Psalm 45:1,4-5 (p45B) (text here and tune here) :: Corporate confession of Faith: Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ,Continue Reading

Michael Horton writes: “When Jesus Christ arrived, He did not revive the Sinai theocracy as His contemporaries had hoped. Instead of driving out the Romans, He commanded love for our enemies. Gathering the new Israel — Jew and Gentile — around Himself, by His Spirit, through Word and sacrament, JesusContinue Reading

By Michael Horton According to a 2013 survey by LifeWay Research, one-third of Americans agree that “prayer and Bible study alone can overcome serious mental illness.” Nearly half (48 percent) of evangelicals agree. (1) Why on earth would Modern Reformation imagine that it had something important to say, from aContinue Reading

For those who attended and would like to listen again or for those who could not make it, the following is the audio addresses from Rev Dr David VanDrunen at the recent Christianity and culture conference hosted by RCSS on 22-23 August: The Two Kingdoms: A Biblical Paradigm for ChristianityContinue Reading