Apostle Paul preaching amid the ruins of Corinth

By Simon Jooste, pastor of RCSS Embodiment is central to salvation, so is suffering in the body. Without the incarnation, passion, and ongoing enfleshed intercession of Christ, there is no redemption. This was the heartbeat of the apostle Paul’s preaching in ancient Corinth, a city pulsing with ideas and illicitContinue Reading

Sara de Moor writes: Shame: The intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging. As Christians we believe that we—and this world—are flawed. We see evidence of brokenness all around us. This is the reality of living in a fallenContinue Reading

Most of us have at some point in our lives been shocked and appalled at the suffering in this world. You drive past the mangled body on the side of the road. Your neighbour is beaten to near death for his cell-phone. Another helpless girl is gang-raped. Many people inContinue Reading