Christianity & Culture Conference Featuring Rev. Dr. David VanDrunen 22-23 August 2014 Hosted by Reformed Church Southern Suburbs (RCSS) ~ Would you consider spreading the word about this conference?  A flyer for distribution can be found here ~ Struggle to relate your faith to popular culture? Should we be concernedContinue Reading

In Matthew 5:33-48, Jesus – as the one greater than Moses – contrasts his spiritual kingdom with the earthly geopolitical kingdom of Israel in the Promised Land, governed by the laws of the Mosaic (Old) covenant.  What is most striking about Christ’s words here is that he overturns God’s commandsContinue Reading

The early church, during the time of Paul and Titus, had many things stacked against her.  Christians were considered an odd and sometimes dangerous minority in the first-century Greek and Roman world.  People were suspicious of them.  For one, Christians were notorious for being unwilling to worship Caesar and theContinue Reading

I have already drawn attention to the fact that the elder qualifications in Titus 1.5-9 have many things in common with moral virtues expected from upstanding pagan citizens in the ancient world of Greece.  (This is one piece of evidence for the fact that even non-Christians know something of God’sContinue Reading