[Sermon audio here.] One of the greatest challenges in this life is to be subject to an unjust or corrupt government.  The experience of living in a country where one’s basic human rights are constantly threatened can tempt us to all sorts of negative responses: such as rebellion, discouragement, depression,Continue Reading

One of the best resources I stumbled upon in my journey as a Christian in the USA was the White Horse Inn.  Here you will find a wealth of fee audio material to load onto your pod or phone for those commutes or runs.  The radio broadcast is hosted byContinue Reading

Yesterday, RCSS was fortunate to get a little bit of publicity in the southern suburbs community newspaper called the Tatler.  The picture with caption is below.  Please consider spreading the news of this mission work of Bellville Reformed Church in any way you can.  Flyers for posting and distribution canContinue Reading