Sermon series
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Bible text
Matthew 28:16-20 | The Great Commission & women in office | 31 May 2020 am |
Matthew 28:16-20 | The Great Commandment & the Great Commission | 10 February 2019 am |
Matthew 28:16-20 | The church’s mission: covenant, kingdom and keys | 3 February 2019 am |
Matthew 27:57-66 | Jesus is raised from the dead for sinners | 27 January 2019 am |
Matthew 27:57-66 | The death and burial of Christ | 20 January 2019 am |
Matthew 27:51-55 | The death and burial of Christ | 30 December 2018 am |
Matthew 27:45-50 | The crucifixion of Christ and the death of sin | 23 December 2018 am |
Matthew 27:27-44 | Jesus is mocked and crucified | 25 November 2018 am |
Matthew 27:11-26 | Jesus on trial before Pilate | 18 November 2018 am |
Matthew 27:1-10 | The untimely death of Judas | 11 November 2018 am |
Matthew 26:69-75 | Peter’s thrice denial of Jesus | 4 November 2018 am |
Matthew 26:57-68 | Jesus before Caiaphas | 28 October 2018 am |
Matthew 26:47-56 | Jesus is betrayed into the hands of his own people | 21 October 2018 am |
Matthew 26:36-46 | Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane | 7 October 2018 am |
Matthew 26:26-29 | Word and sacrament | 30 September 2018 am |
Matthew 26:26-29 | The Last Supper | 16 September 2018 am |
Matthew 26:14-25 | Betrayal and the Passover | 9 September 2018 am |
Matthew 26:6-13 | The extravagant worship of a nobody to Somebody | 2 September 2018 am |
Matthew 25:31-46 | God’s hospitality and ours | 26 August 2018 am |
Matthew 26:1-4 | The plot to kill Jesus | 19 August 2018 am |
Matthew 25:31-46 | The coming of the Son of Man in Judgment | 12 August 2018 am |
Matthew 25:14-30 | The parable of the talents | 5 August 2018 am |
Matthew 25:1-13 | The parable of the ten virgins | 29 July 2018 am |
Matthew 24:36-51 | No one knows that day and hour: be ready! | 22 July 2018 am |
Matthew 24:3-35 | The destruction of the temple and the Temple | 15 July 2018 am |
Matthew 23:13-24:2 | Woe to Scribes & Pharisees, heartless hypocrites | 1 July 2018 am |
Matthew 23:1-12 | God-made and man-made religion | 29 April 2018 am |
Matt. 23:1-15; Deut. 18:15-29:1 | God is both judge and the justifier | 22 April 2018 am |
Matthew 22:41-46; Ps.110 | Whose Son is the Christ? | 1 April 2018 am |
Matthew 22:34-40 | The Great Commandment | 30 March 2018 am Good Friday |
Matthew 22:15-22 | Christ defends Himself and the resurrection | 11 March 2018 am |
Matthew 22:15-22 | Render your taxes and everything to God | 4 March 2018 am |
Matthew 22:1-14 | The parable of the marriage banquet | 25 February 2018 am |
Matthew 21:33-46 | The parable of the tenants | 18 February 2018 am |
Matthew 21:23-27 | The parable of the two sons | 11 February 2018 am |
Matthew 21:23-27 | The authority of Jesus hidden and revealed | 4 February 2018 am |
Matthew 21:12-22 | Jesus is the Temple and Israel of God | 24 December 2017 am |
Matthew 20:17-28 | Pain before the Passion | 26 November 2017 am |
Matthew 20:1-16 | The reward of grace | 26 February 2017 am |
Matthew 19:26-30 | Your riches are in heaven | 19 February 2017 am |
Matthew 19:16-26 | The rich young man who was poor | 12 February 2017 am |
Matthew 19:13-15; Colossians 2:11-12 | Baptism is for you and your children | 5 February 2017 am |
Matthew 19:13-15 | Jesus loves the little children | 18 December 2016 am |
Matthew 19:1-12 | Human sexuality and the kingdom of heaven | 4 December 2016 am |
Matthew 19:1-12 | Marriage, divorce and singleness | 20 November 2016 am |
Matthew 18:21-35 | Radical forgiveness | 13 November 2016 am |
Matthew 18:21-35 | The parable of the unforgiving servant | 6 November 2016 am |
Matthew 18:15-20 | If your brother or sister sins… | 2 October 2016 am |
Matthew 18:10-14 | Going after the stray sheep requires relationship | 25 September 2016 am |
Matthew 18:10-14 | God goes after the one stray sheep, so should we | 11 September 2016 am |
Matthew 18:1-9 | Resist the temptation to sin | 4 September 2016 am |
Matthew 18:1-5 | Be like children | 28 August 2016 am |
Matthew 17:22-27 | Strangers and exiles | 21 August 2016 am |
Matthew 17:14-21 | The disciples fail again, but Jesus never does | 14 August 2016 am |
Matthew 17:1-13 | The transfiguration of Jesus | 7 August 2016 am |
Matthew 16:24-28 | Consolation while losing your life | 31 July 2016 am |
Matthew 16:24-28 | Take up your cross and follow Christ | 24 July 2016 am |
Matthew 16:21-28 | The Sufferings and the Death of Christ | 3 April 2015 am |
Matthew 16:21-23 | Peter’s folly and Christ’s rebuke | 17 July 2016 am |
Matthew 16:13-20 | The keys to the kingdom of heaven | 3 July 2016 am |
Matthew 16:13-20; 2 Samuel 7:1-17 | Behold, the Royal Son of David | 26 June 2016 am |
Matthew 16:13-20 | Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ | 19 June 2016 am |
Matthew 16:5-12 | Beware of the leaven of legalism | 5 June 2016 am |
Matthew 16:1-4 | Demanding wrong signs and accepting right ones | 29 May 2016 am |
Matthew 15:29-39 | Jesus feeding of the four thousand | 22 May 2016 am |
Matthew 15:21-28 | The faith of the Canaanite woman | 15 May 2016 am |
Matthew 15:10-20 | What defiles a person and makes one clean | 8 November 2015 am |
Matthew 15:8-9; Hebrews 12:18-29 | Covenant worship | 25 October 2015 am |
Matthew 15:1-9 | Worshipping God according to his Word | 18 October 2015 am |
Matthew 15:1-9 | Worshipping God according to his Word | 11 October 2015 am |
Matthew 14:34-36 | Jesus the healer | 27 September 2015 am |
Matthew 14:22-33 | Jesus walks on water | 20 September 2015 am |
Matthew 14:13-21 | Jesus feeds the five thousand | 13 September 2015 am |
Matthew 14:13-21 | Counted as sheep to the slaughter | 6 September 2015 am |
Matthew 13:53-58 | Jesus rejected at Nazareth | 23 August 2015 am |
Matthew 13:44-51 | Christ is our supreme treasure | 16 August 2015 am |
Matthew 13:31-35 | The parable of the mustard seed | 9 August 2015 am |
Matthew 13:24-43 | The parable of the weeds | 2 August 2015 am |
Matthew 13:1-23 | The parable of the sower | 26 July 2015 am |
Matthew 13:1-17 | Jesus speaks in parables | 19 July 2015 am |
Matthew 12:46-50 | The true family of God | 12 July 2015 am |
Matthew 12:38-45 | The sign of Jonah | 14 June 2015 am |
Matthew 12:33-37 | A tree is known by its fruit | 7 June 2015 am |
Matthew 12:22-32 | Christ reveals his authority as King | 31 May 2015 am |
Matthew 12:15-21 | Treasures in jars of clay | 24 May 2015 am |
Matthew 12:9-21 | Jesus has established justice | 17 May 2015 am |
Matthew 12:15-21 | God’s chosen servant | 10 May 2015 am |
Matt 12:1-14; Deut. 5:12-15 | Observing the New Testament Sabbath | 26 April 2015 am |
Matthew 12:9-14 | Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath (Part 2) | 19 April 2015 am |
Matthew 12:1-8 | Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath (Part 1) | 5 April 2015 am |
Matthew 11:20-30 | Come to Christ with your burdens | 8 March 2015 am |
Matthew 11:1-19 | Things are better than you can imagine | 22 February 2015 am |
Matthew 10:40-42 | Hospitality in the kingdom of Christ | 15 February 2015 am |
Matthew 10:34-39 | Lose your life to save it | 8 February 2015 am |
Matthew 10:24-33 | Fear God, not man | 1 February 2015 am |
Matthew 10:24-33 | Persecuted pilgrims then paradise | 23 November 2014 am |
Matthew 10:5-15 | Sending out the twelve disciples | 16 November 2014 am |
Matthew 9:35-10:4 | The Shepherd and his under-shepherds | 2 November 2014 am |
Matthew 9:18-34 | The glory of faith | 26 October 2014 am |
Matthew 9:14-17 | Looking forward to the Feast | 19 October 2014 am |
Matthew 9:9-13 | Jesus came for sinners, not the righteous | 5 October 2014 am |
Matthew 8:23-9:8 | Christ has the authority to forgive sins | 28 September 2014 am) |
Matthew 8:18-22 | The cost of discipleship | 21 September 2014 am |
Matthew 8:1-17 | The Great Physician has arrived | 14 September 2014 am |
Matthew 7:13-29 | Building on Gospel foundation | 7 September 2014 am |
Matthew 7:15-23 | Beware of false prophets | 10 August 2014 am |
Matthew 7:13-14 | Enter through the narrow gate | 27 July 2014 am |
Matthew 7:12 | The “Golden” Rule | 20 July 2014 am |
Matthew 7:7-11 | ||
Matthew 7:1-7 | Judge not lest you be judged | 25 May 2014 am |
Matthew 6:25-34 | Do not be anxious | 4 May 2014 am |
Matthew 6:19-24 | Seek those things above | 27 April 2014 am |
Matthew 6:16-18 | Fasting in freedom | 20 April 2014 am |
Matthew 6:9-15 | Lead us not into temptation (LP Pt 3) | 16 March 2014 am |
Matthew 6:9-15 | The Lord’s Prayer (Pt 2 | 9 March 2014 am |
Matthew 6:9-15 | Our Father in heaven (LP Pt 1) | 2 March 2014 am |
Matthew 6:5-8 | Pray to God who is in secret | 23 February 2014 am |
Matthew 6:1-4 | Beware of hypocrisy | 16 February 2014 am |
Matthew 5:33-48 | To turn the other cheek or not? Part II | |
Matthew 5:33-48 | Jesus turned the other cheek | 12 January 2014 am |
Matthew 5:31-32 | Divorce and remarriage | 1 December 2013 am |
Matthew 5:27-30 | Forsake lust | 29 November 2013 am |
Matthew 5:21-26 | Forsake anger | 17 November 2013 am |
Matthew 5:17-20; 6:1-4, 19-34 | Give generously in gratitude | 11 May 2014 am |
Matthew 5:17-20 | Christ: the fulfilment of the law | 3 November 2013 am |
Matthew 5:13-16 | You are salt and light | 20 October 2013 am |
Matthew 5:9-12 | ||
Matthew 5:6-8 | Blessed are those who hunger… | 29 September 2013 am |
Matthew 5:1-5 | Blessed are the poor… | 22 September 2013 am |
Matthew 4:23-25 | Jesus heals the sick | 15 September 2013 am |
Matthew 4:18-22 | Jesus’ first disciples | 8 September 2013 am |
Matthew 4:12-17 | The coming of the kingdom of heaven | 25 August 2013 am |
Matthew 4:4 | Jesus is the bread of life | 1 September 2013 am |
Matthew 4:1-11 | Jesus’ wilderness temptation | 18 August 2013 am |
Matthew 3:13-17 | John’s baptism of Jesus | 11 August 2013 am |
Matthew 3:3-12 | The baptism of John | 23 June 2013 am |
Matthew 3:1-2 | The kingdom of heaven | 16 June 2013 am |
Matthew 2:19-23 | Jesus is from where?! | 9 June 2013 am |
Matthew 2:16-18 | Slaughter of the innocents | 2 June 2013 am |
Matthew 2:13-15 | Flight from Egypt | 26 May, 2013 am |
Matthew 2:1-12 | The Child born in the city of David | 19 May, 2013 am |
Matthew 1:18-25 | Jesus is the son of David and of God | 12 May, 2013 am |
Matthew 1:1-17 | Jesus is Israel’s (our) Royal Redeemer | 5 May, 2013 am |
Matthew 1:21 | Christ hidden and revealed | 25 December, 2017 am |
Great encouragement brother! Matthew 6:7-15 march 16
Thanks sister!