Throughout history, the church has found itself at the crossroads of the sacred and the secular, where competing voices would lead us in different directions. The recent surge of interest in varying aspects of critical theory has forced many church leaders and members to make active decisions as to how,Continue Reading


[The] gospels do not speak at length or even frequently about Jesus “hanging out” (as people say) with prostitutes or even with sinners. When we account for the repetition of the same narratives in the synoptic gospels (i.e., Matthew, Mark and Luke), we can focus on three passages: Matthew 9:10, 32-32; and LukeContinue Reading

a cross

One of the most challenging trials for believers during our pilgrimage through this dark and fallen world is truly to believe and rest in the love that God has for us. Sinclair Ferguson once noted that the experience of so many believers is the internalising of the thought, “He lovesContinue Reading