The following is the sermon that was preached this past Sunday at the morning service of Cape Town Reformed Church in the city bowl.  For other examples of Reformed sermons and resources, please look here. Salvation hidden in suffering Life is rather predictable and ordinary, at least most of theContinue Reading

This coming Sunday provides yet another two opportunities for you to sample a Reformed worship service in English before the Reformed Church Southern Suburbs launches it’s evening services.  The following are the details: Morning: Where: Cape Town Reformed Church When: 09h30 Map: Evening: Where: Bellville-East Reformed Church (on theContinue Reading

If worship is important to God, then it should be important to us as well.  One of the early Reformers, John Calvin, believed that the doctrine of worship ranks ahead of the article of justification in importance, and comprises the entire substance of the Christian life.  Worship is arguably ourContinue Reading

For the last few weeks (see previous posts) we have been looking at the subject of preaching as we work through the book of Titus, and particularly in light of Titus 1.9.  According to the Reformed tradition, one of the marks of a true church is the faithful preaching ofContinue Reading

I have already drawn attention to the fact that the elder qualifications in Titus 1.5-9 have many things in common with moral virtues expected from upstanding pagan citizens in the ancient world of Greece.  (This is one piece of evidence for the fact that even non-Christians know something of God’sContinue Reading