In Matthew 12:1-14 the Pharisees try to trip Jesus up for his so-called Sabbath violations.  In his response, Jesus exposes – yet again – the Pharisees for the professional legalists and hypocrites they are.  Here we have helpful insights into not only the perpetuity of the Sabbath institution, but alsoContinue Reading

What are we praying in the 6th petition of the Lord’s Prayer when we ask: “And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13)?  To find out, click here and listen. In Belgic Confession Article 29 we confess that it is the duty of every ChristianContinue Reading

Want to learn how to pray in a way that pleases God?  Jesus teaches his disciples in Matthew 6 in the middle of his sermon on the mount.  Listen to the sermons on Christ’s words here. What does it mean to be a part of the one apostolic church ofContinue Reading

In Matthew 5:33-48, Jesus – as the one greater than Moses – contrasts his spiritual kingdom with the earthly geopolitical kingdom of Israel in the Promised Land, governed by the laws of the Mosaic (Old) covenant.  What is most striking about Christ’s words here is that he overturns God’s commandsContinue Reading

According to Jesus in the beatitudes in Matthew 5:9-12, peacemaking is a befitting of the children of God who have become participants in the life of the kingdom of heaven by grace alone through faith alone.  Another distinguishing characteristic of the disciples of Christ living out the kingdom of heavenContinue Reading