Lord's Supper

Thank you for worshipping with us. We, the consistory of RCSS, hope to welcome you to the Lord’s Table as soon as possible. But first we would like to get to know you better. We believe and confess that the Lord’s Supper is a weighty personal and communal participation inContinue Reading

baby being baptised

As Reformed Christians, we confess that infants of believing parents (or of at least one believing parent) should be baptised. Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 74 asks, “Should infants, too, be baptised?” Answer: Yes. Infants as well as adults belong to God’s covenant and congregation.[1] Through Christ’s blood, the redemption fromContinue Reading

Lord's Supper

Jesus introduced the Lord’s Supper at a solemn time, the Passover meal on the night before His death. Paul shows its solemnity in the warnings he gives to those who would participate in the supper in 1 Corinthians 11:17–34. Paul is concerned that Christians in the Corinthian church are notContinue Reading