
Covenant theology is important for many reasons. Although covenant theology has been around for millennia, it finds its more refined and systematic formulation in the Protestant Reformation. Its importance has been heightened in our day because of its relationship to a theology that is relatively new. In the late nineteenthContinue Reading

Law & Gospel

Mike Abendroth Although the Lordship Salvation doctrine (hereafter LS) has many distinguishing characteristics, the one I want to address is its view of the gospel and the unbeliever’s response to it. What is the “Lordship Salvation” doctrine? In brief, LS regularly teaches that unbelievers must submit to Jesus the Lord. They call sinners toContinue Reading

baby being baptised

As Reformed Christians, we confess that infants of believing parents (or of at least one believing parent) should be baptised. Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 74 asks, “Should infants, too, be baptised?” Answer: Yes. Infants as well as adults belong to God’s covenant and congregation.[1] Through Christ’s blood, the redemption fromContinue Reading