Presbyterians sometimes say, partially tongue-in-cheek, that Acts 15 records the church’s first “general assembly”. In some ways, however, this council was unlike later church councils and later denominations’ annual (or regular) synods and assemblies. First, this council did not have representative elders from the churches that had been established byContinue Reading

Drop of water falling

All the Protestant Reformers, including Martin Luther, Huldrych Zwingli and John Calvin, held to infant baptism. Though these three great Protestants disagreed on many things, they all agreed on the Protestant doctrine of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. They also agreed that infant baptism isContinue Reading

What does your baptism mean to you?  In the early church, baptism was taken very seriously.  It was not uncommon for new converts to Christianity – known as “Catechumens” – to spend up to three years learning the fundamentals of the faith before being baptised into God’s covenant community.  Unfortunately,Continue Reading