
In Belgic Confession article 29, the Reformed Churches identify three marks of the true church and seven marks of the true Christian. The second mark of the true church says: “It makes use of the pure administration of the sacraments as Christ instituted them.” Regarding baptism, we confess: For that reason weContinue Reading

The Psalms

By Simon Jooste and Johannes Potgieter The key question to be explored in this article is whether the Reformed Churches in South Africa (RCSA) possess within her tradition the resources to perpetuate her predominating legacy of singing Scripture only. Did her 2012 General Synod decision to revise Article 69 ofContinue Reading

What are we praying in the 6th petition of the Lord’s Prayer when we ask: “And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13)?  To find out, click here and listen. In Belgic Confession Article 29 we confess that it is the duty of every ChristianContinue Reading

Want to learn how to pray in a way that pleases God?  Jesus teaches his disciples in Matthew 6 in the middle of his sermon on the mount.  Listen to the sermons on Christ’s words here. What does it mean to be a part of the one apostolic church ofContinue Reading

In Belgic Confession Article 27, we confess certain foundational truths about the nature of Christ’s church: things like its universality, its unity and its holiness.  Vital to our understanding of the church and its attributes is that they find their ultimate source in the workings of the Triune God.  ItContinue Reading