2016 RCSA Extraordinary Synod on Women in Office (12-16 January 2016)
After 30 odd years of wrestling with the matter, RCSA Extraordinary (General) Synod 2016 takes the solid majority and decisive decision not to open up the office of elder and minister to women. (Not a single petition of protest passed.) By doing so, the RCSA joins the ranks of a number of Presbyterian and Reformed denominations and federations worldwide that share the same conviction. The result is that existing international fraternal bonds will be confirmed and some hopefully strengthened – especially with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (N America) and the United Reformed Church North America (both of which had delegates present this past week).
I, Pastor Simon Jooste, am more convinced than ever of confessional Reformed doctrine and practice being most faithful to the testimony of Scripture. I saw it worked out in sweat and tears this past week. Indeed, no greater men of granite character and conviction reside outside the ranks of the Reformed tradition.
To God be the glory for his extraordinary work through the ordinary workings of his church this past week.
Thank you for your prayers.