RCSS announcement in light of COVID-19 Dear RCSS Saints: As you know the Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic has reached our shores over the past couple of weeks. At present the number of known infections in the Western Cape sits at around twenty. While it is difficult to determine from theContinue Reading

2016 RCSA Extraordinary Synod on Women in Office (12-16 January 2016) After 30 odd years of wrestling with the matter, RCSA Extraordinary (General) Synod 2016 takes the solid majority and decisive decision not to open up the office of elder and minister to women. (Not a single petition of protestContinue Reading

What they confessed publicly in the affirmative in May 2015: In commemoration of the Public profession of faith in the Reformed Church Beloved, You come before the face of God and in the midst of His congregation to profess your faith. Therefore I ask of you to answer the followingContinue Reading

From left to right: Adam Jooste (deacon); Jaco Grobbelaar (elder); Simon Jooste (pastor); Rudolf Botha (elder) “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching” (1 Timothy 5:17).      Continue Reading