You are invited to attend a Bible study on May 3 at 7pm at the following address:
26 Coniston Road (corner of Lavenham and Coniston)
Rondebosch, 7700
The Bible study is intended to generate interest in a potential church plant in the southern suburbs of Cape Town towards the end of 2012 or beginning of 2013. It will be under the supervision of the Bellville Reformed Church ( and the Reformed Churches of South Africa ( Like any church, the RCSA has a statement concerning the system of truth she believes the Bible teaches. The RCSA believes that a faithful summation of what the Bible teaches can be found in Ecumenical Creeds of the early church and the Three Forms of Unity from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (
Our vision for the church plant is that it be an English-speaking ministry hoping to attract people from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds. In keeping with the best of the Reformed tradition, we hope to plant a church in accordance with God’s Word; where Christ, his Gospel and his church is front and center in the Christian life; where God serves us through the preaching of his Word and administration of the sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper); where our response in worship is governed by Scripture and is one of reverence and awe; where sinners are saved and Christians are built up in their faith; so that we might in turn love each other, and our neighbor; where family worship is prized and the Christian faith is actively handed down to the next generation; where home visitation and active pastoral care are integral to the life of the church.
Would you like to know more about such a church? We would love to answer your questions and help you learn more from God’s Word.